About Us

Destek Moulding Machinery Eng. Const. Steel Moulds LTD. ŞTI.

Destek Kalıp Machine Engineering has made a point of manufacturing practical and practicable steel molding and molding systems, scaffolding systems by considering developing technology since 1998. The manufacturing is cordinated by experienced, professional and skillful working team.


Destek Kalıp can not accept manufacturing low quality product and distrust in its bussines life. On the other hand, the firm has stated priciple that manufacturing own products which low cost, practical and durable. Constraction sector will not stop with developing technology as far as people need shelter. The sector continues to improve with human need and technology. Thus, Destek Kalıp will continue improve own scaffolding systems, moulding systems, door frame and manufacture customers needs. Especially, the firm has became brand with durable,useful product and professional engineering team.


The engineers who are professional and experienced considers project and customers request in Destek Kalıp when they design products. When product are manufatured, every steps of manufacturing are followed by them. The firm makes tiny distinctions about customer satisfaction. Especially, for molding systems which depends on where they are used are done with working on project, measure where they are used and consider customer request. This is one simple example of customer satisfaction for Destek Kalıp. In addition, Destek Kalıp is careful for protecting environment and being eco- friendly manufacturing when the products are manufactured.